Virtual Reality imagesâ impact on cognition and affect in hotel promotions: Application of self-reported and psycho-physiological measures
The current study examines how two types of Virtual Reality (VR) hotel images impact cognition and affect when used for promotional purposes. The study employs psycho-physiological measurement tools along with a self-reported survey method to evaluate: (1) affective responses, (2) Cognitive Load, and (3) and attitudinal and behavioral intention responses that two types of VR […]
Investigating the effectiveness of immersive VR skill training and its link to physiological arousal
This paper details the motivations, design, and analysis of a study using a fine motor skill training task in both VR and physical conditions. The objective of this between-subjects study was to (a) investigate the effectiveness of immersive virtual reality for training participants in the âbuzz-wireâ fine motor skill task compared to physical training and […]
Start Making Sense: Identifying Behavioural Indicators When Things Go Wrong During Interaction with Artificial Agents
The findings from this study will allow artificial agents to be trained to understand characteristic human behaviour exhibited during communication, and how to respond to specific non-verbal cues and biometric feedback with appropriately human-like behaviour
Evaluation of a motorised patient transfer device based on perceived workload, technology acceptance, and emotional states
The high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among healthcare workers is partly attributed to the low adoption of patient transfer assistive devices. This study aimed to evaluate the nursesâ perceived workload, technology acceptance, and emotional states during the use of the sliding board (SB) and mechanical intervention in the form of a Motorised Patient Transfer […]
Look Twice: A Computational Model of Return Fixations across Tasks and Species
Saccadic eye movements allow animals to bring different parts of an image into high-resolution. During free viewing,inhibition of return incentivizes exploration by discouraging previously visited locations. Despite this inhibition, here we show that subjects make frequent return fixations. We systematically studied a total of 44,328 return fixations out of 217,440 fixations across different tasks, in […]
The face in everyday social interaction: social outcomes and personality correlates of facial behaviour
Facial behaviour is a central component of social interaction, yet is primarily studied in the absence of a social partner with a heavy focus on static, universal prototypes. Examination of individual variation in facial behaviour embedded within social interaction is essential to understand social function. We conducted a three-part multi-method study to examine how variation […]
Affective Dynamics and Cognition during Game-based Learning
Inability to regulate affective states can impact one’s capacity to engage in higher-order thinking like scientific reasoning with game-based learning environments. Many efforts have been made to build affect-aware systems to mitigate the potentially detrimental effects of negative affect. Yet, gaps in research exist since accurately capturing and modeling affect as a state that changes […]
Atypical Facial Expressivity in Young Children with Problematic Peer Relationships
Peer problems are frequently associated with difficulties in recognizing and appraising the emotions of others. It has been argued that facial responsiveness to othersâ emotionsâor motor empathyâis a precursor of emotion processing and affective empathy. Although mimicry impairments have been observed in studies of young people with conduct problems, to our knowledge no study has […]
Cognitive Load Measurement Using Arithmetic and Graphical Tasks and Galvanic Skin Response
The results of an experiment to measure cognitive load using arithmetic and graphical tasks and galvanic skin response (GSR) biometric technique are presented in this paper. 62 volunteers were recruited to take part in a laboratory experiment conducted with the integrated iMotions biometric platform. Data were collected using observations, Single Ease Question (SEQ) and NASA […]
Analysis of the usability and accessibility of websites in view of their universal design principles
Universal design is a strategic approach for planning and designing both the products and their environment, aimed at making a given product available to the widest number of possible users. It ensures equality for all of them and the opportunity to participate in society. This concept is also crucial in the process of designing and […]
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