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  • Systematic Evaluation of Driver’s Behavior: A Multimodal Biometric Study

    GatedPeer-Reviewed09/07/2023University of Padua + 2

    Abstract Complex traffic areas and high cognitive workload while driving are leading contributors to traffic crashes. Even though cognitive workload and stress have been previously assessed through various neurophysiological responses, they are rarely characterized simultaneously, limiting the triangulation of behavioral metrics (like drivers’ visual attention and facial coding) with physiological measures to investigate their interplay. […]

  • Alpha band prefrontal asymmetry does not underlie pain approach-avoidance: Results from two EEG studies approach-avoidance: Results from two EEG studies

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed06/07/2023Tarleton State University + 4

    Pain research is often focused on escape from pain or approach of relief, yet individuals with chronic pain make complex choices to face their pain to satiate other drives (approach-avoidance conflicts). An abundance of research has indicated that prefrontal alpha band asymmetry (PFA) underlies approach-avoidance in general, but there is limited information about whether PFA […]

  • EEG-Based Neural Synchrony Predicts Evaluative Engagement with Music Videos

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed04/07/2023 Tilburg University, School of Humanities and Digital Sciences + 2

    The use of neuroimaging to predict individual and population-wide behaviors, also known as neuroforecasting, was long applied to estimate movie popularity. Only recently, EEG-based neural synchronization, which is indicative of engagement, was found as a valid predictor of the listening behavior of the population. However, the population’s evaluative responses to the songs were not incorporated. […]

  • Positive Technology: Developing Positive Affect Through Implementing Positive Psychology in an Interactive Search System Design

    Open Access01/07/2023University of Bedfordshire

    There is no doubt that our lives are becoming more digital, reliant on interactive devices or digital services. One of the most significant changes observed in recent years is the large and growing number of people obtaining health information online, making it the most popular medium for obtaining health-related information. Online access to health information […]

  • Examining the Impact of Stress and Fear of COVID-19 on Transit Travel

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed01/07/2023Texas A&M University + 2

    The COVID-19 pandemic altered daily life by forcing governments to issue measures for the prevention of the spread of the disease such as stay-at-home orders, requiring face coverings, and maintaining physical distancing, among others. This caused a significant disruption in every aspect of people’s lives. This disruption was prominent in the transportation sector where travel […]

  • Using Machine Learning with Eye-Tracking Data to Predict if a Recruiter Will Approve a Resume

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed28/06/2023Texas A&M University

    When job seekers are unsuccessful in getting a position, they often do not get feedback to inform them on how to develop a better application in the future. Therefore, there is a critical need to understand what qualifications recruiters value in order to help applicants. To address this need, we utilized eye-trackers to measure and […]

  • A Multimodal Emotion Perspective on Social Media Influencer Marketing: The Effectiveness of Influencer Emotions, Network Size, and Branding on Consumer Brand Engagement Using Facial Expression and Linguistic Analysis

    GatedPeer-Reviewed20/06/2023The University of Alabama + 3

    Social media influencers rely on emotional connection to maintain and grow their followings and have value for brands. To date, however, no research has quantitatively examined the impact of emotion in the facial expressions and caption text that influencers use in their video posts on consumer engagement through likes, comments, and views of posts. Grounded […]

  • Designing Adaptive, Mixed-Mode HCI Research for Resilience

    GatedPeer-Reviewed10/06/2023The University of Texas at Austin

    We describe the design of a mixed-mode study that illustrates an adaptive approach to conducting HCI research. This mixed-mode approach is resilient to circumstances created by public health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. We based our study around a web-based survey instrument that was used both online (N = 205) and in an HCI […]

  • Assessing the Impact of Sustainability News Clips on Fast-Fashion Brands Purchase Intention

    GatedPeer-Reviewed09/06/2023S P Jain School of Global Management

    Sustainability has become a growing concern in the fashion industry over the last few decades. The fashion industry is regarded as one of the most polluting industries. This chapter attempts to provide an analysis of the consumer’s perception towards their fast-fashion choices in Australia. The specific objectives are to find the impact of environment/sustainability news […]

  • Multimodal biometric data collection of interpersonal communication

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed01/05/2023iMotions

    Communication between individuals involves multiple factors: attending to the other person’s thoughts, interpreting their non-verbal behavior, and (un)intentionally mirroring their expression- and attention patterns. Moreover, we may be evaluating the authenticity of their expressions and behavior throughout the conversation. Experimental investigation of these factors in natural settings can be cumbersome and technically challenging. Here, we […]

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