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  • Leveraging the Science to Understand Factors Influencing the Use of AI-Powered Avatar in Healthcare Services

    GatedPeer-Reviewed09/09/2022Rochester Institute of Technology

    Interests in artificial intelligence (AI) adoption have increased in many organizations. Medical providers are seeking collaborations with technology companies to provide a reliable mental healthcare service for patients. While the interest in adopting an AI-powered healthcare solution is high, it is still unclear on patients’ attitude towards adopting AI for their mental health care. Three […]

  • The Emotional Effectiveness of Advertisement

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed04/09/2022Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Based on cognitive–emotional neuroscience, the effectiveness of advertisement is measured in terms of individuals’ unconscious emotional responses. Using AFFDEX to record and analyze facial expressions, a combination of indicators that track both basic emotions and individual involvement is used to quantitatively determine if a spot causes high levels of ad liking in terms of attention, […]

  • Dyslexia detection in children using eye tracking data based on VGG16 network

    Gated02/09/2022University of Belgrade

    Considering the negative impact dyslexia has on school achievements, dyslexia diagnosis and treatment are found to be of great importance. In this paper, a deep convolutional neural network was developed to detect dyslexia in children ages 7-13, based on gathered eye tracking data. The children read a text written in Serbian on 13 different color […]

  • Facial Expressions and Self-Reported Emotions When Viewing Nature Images

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed25/08/2022University of Hradec Králové

    Many studies have demonstrated that exposure to simulated natural scenes has positive effects on emotions and reduces stress. In the present study, we investigated emotional facial expressions while viewing images of various types of natural environments. Both automated facial expression analysis by iMotions’ AFFDEX 8.1 software (iMotions, Copenhagen, Denmark) and self-reported emotions were analyzed. Attractive […]

  • Left visual field bias during face perception aligns with individual differences in reading skills and is absent in dyslexia

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed18/08/2022University of Gothenburg

    When looking at faces, we tend to attend more to the left visual field (corresponding to the right side of the person’s face). This phenomenon is called the left visual field bias (LVF) and is presumed to reflect the brain’s right-sided dominance for face processing. Whether alterations in hemispheric dominance are present in dyslexia, and […]

  • Trust in Automated Parking Systems

    Open Access15/08/2022University of Alabama in Huntsville + 2

    In two studies, we evaluated the trust and usefulness of automated compared to manual parking using an experimental paradigm and by surveying owners of vehicles with automated parking features. In Study 1, we compared participants’ ability to manually park a Tesla Model X and use the Autopark feature to complete perpendicular and parallel parking maneuvers. […]

  • Exploring Pie Chart Visual Properties and Design Elements: EyeTracking Approach

    Gated10/08/2022Loyola University

    This research explores the impact of pie chart data representation on users by focusing on users’ performance, cognitive effort, and visual attention while employing novel eye tracking technology. This research focused on two questions centered around a difference in users’ visual attention, performance, and cognitive effort between pie chart visual properties and design variations. Two […]

  • Gaze Behaviors of Neurosurgeon in Performing Gross Movements under Microscope

    GatedPeer-Reviewed01/08/2022University of Alberta

    Frequent intermittent bleeding control and suction are often necessary during micro-neurosurgical procedures. We compared the visual searching strategy that guides these types of gross hand movements between expert surgeons and neurosurgical residents. A total of 70 trials of a microsurgical task consisting of moving a cotton ball with bipolar forceps and a suction instrument under […]

  • Face Value: Remote facial expression analysis adds predictive power to perceived effectiveness for selecting anti-tobacco PSAs

    GatedPeer-Reviewed15/07/2022University of South Florida

    Perceived effectiveness (PE) is a validated tool for predicting the potential impact of anti-tobacco public service announcements (PSAs). We set out to evaluate the added predictive value of facial expression analysis when combined with PE in a remote (online) survey. Each of 302 tobacco users watched 3 PSAs and allowed transmission of webcam videos from […]

  • Investigating the relationship between facial mimicry and empathy

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed11/07/2022University of Reading + 2

    Facial expressions play a key role in interpersonal communication when it comes to negotiating our emotions and intentions, as well as interpreting those of others. Research has shown that we can connect to other people better when we exhibit signs of empathy and facial mimicry. However, the relationship between empathy and facial mimicry is still […]

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