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  • The Impact of Culture on Visual Design Perception

    Gated27/08/2021Aarhus University

    This paper questions the concept of universal users, taking a first step in looking at design perception differences between cultures, opening a discussion about culture in the context of HCI and more specifically interface interaction. This is done through a short study assessing participants from 3 cultures and their perception of interface by looking at […]

  • Analysis of Emotion and Recall in COVID-19 Advertisements: A Neuroscientific Study

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed18/08/2021Rey Juan Carlos University

    In this research, neuroscience techniques are applied to the field of marketing in the analysis of advertisements that include the COVID-19 pandemic in their stories. A study of emotion and memory in these audiovisual productions is carried out as two fundamental factors for the knowledge of consumer habits and decision making. By means of facial […]

  • Does Eye-Tracking Have an Effect on Economic Behavior?

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed05/08/2021Texas A&M University + 2

    Eye-tracking is becoming an increasingly popular tool for understanding the underlying behavior driving economic decisions. However, an important unanswered methodological question is whether the use of an eye-tracking device itself induces changes in the behavior of experiment participants. We study this question using eight popular games in experimental economics. We implement a simple design where […]

  • Emotions in Reading and Learning from Texts: Progress and Open Problems

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed02/08/2021University of Exeter

    Reading texts can prompt intense emotions, and these emotions profoundly influence learning from texts. I first discuss the findings from the eight studies reported in this special issue. The studies represent pivotal advances in research on reading. Focusing on learning from science texts, they show that different emotions and different types of text influence reading […]

  • Cognitive and affective responses to marijuana prevention and educational messaging

    GatedPeer-Reviewed01/08/2021University of Oklahoma + 4

    Perceptions of risk of using marijuana have decreased significantly in the US over the last decade, while marijuana use has increased. In order to educate people on the risks associated with marijuana use, large-scale health messaging campaigns have been deployed to educate the public about the risks associated with marijuana use, particularly in states where […]

  • A Sound Prediction: EEG-Based Neural Synchrony Predicts Online Music Streams

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed27/07/2021Utrecht University + 2

    Neuroforecasting predicts population-wide choices based on neural data of individuals and can be used, for example, in neuromarketing to estimate campaign successes. To deliver true value, the brain activity metrics should deliver predictive value above and beyond traditional stated preferences. Evidence from movie trailer research has proposed neural synchrony, which compares the similarity of brain […]

  • Viewing Natural vs. Urban Images and Emotional Facial Expressions: An Exploratory Study

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed19/07/2021University of Hradec Králové

    There is a large body of evidence that exposure to simulated natural scenes has positive effects on emotions and reduces stress. Some studies have used self-reported assessments, and others have used physiological measures or combined self-reports with physiological measures; however, analysis of facial emotional expression has rarely been assessed. In the present study, participant facial […]

  • Methodological Considerations for Understanding Students’ Problem Solving Processes and Affective Trajectories During Game-Based Learning: A Data Fusion Approach

    GatedPeer-Reviewed03/07/2021University of Florida + 3

    This paper describes methodological considerations for fusing data sources in understanding both affective and problem solving states of students as they engage in computational thinking (CT) game-based learning. We provide both a theoretical and empirical rationale for using data including facial recognition and students’ logfile data to gain a more robust explanation of why students […]

  • Situation Awareness Assessment for Ship Navigation Tasks in Virtual Reality Simulation System

    Gated27/06/2021Xi’an Jiaotong University + 2

    This paper discusses whether the ergonomic assessment of the man-machine interface of the ship console in virtual reality simulation system can achieve the effect similar to that in physical simulation system. The similarity of the two systems was verified by assessing the situation awareness level of the subjects. 9 subjects were recruited to participate in […]

  • An Analysis of Subliminal Static Images and Words Using Eye Tracking Techniques

    GatedPeer-Reviewed11/06/2021SP Jain University

    This research used a Phenomenography approach of Eye Tracking to study the Biometric changes when participants were subjected to eight static subliminal images hidden in seven differently designed packages. Embeds or static subliminal stimulus in the form of pictures and words were hidden in seven different perfume packages and were used to study the changes […]

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