A comparison of the effectiveness of two types of deceit detection training methods in older adults
Abstract: Background In general, people are poor at detecting deception. Older adults are even worse than young adults at detecting deceit, which might make them uniquely vulnerable to certain types of financial fraud. One reason for poor deceit detection abilities is that lay theories of cues to deception are not valid. This study compared the […]
Emotional responses to climate change map framing using facial emotion recognition technology
Abstract: The different ways that maps are framed by the media can lead to different emotional responses to the same information. Framing shapes the way in which information is presented, and frames are used by authors and designers to focus the reader’s attention in order to lead them to a particular interpretation of the information […]
Eye tracking in cytotechnology education: “visualizing” students becoming experts
This study reports the potential of eye-tracking technology in determining screening skills of cytotechnology (CT) students while examining digital images (DI). Materials and methods Twenty-five static DI of gynecologic cytology specimens were serially displayed on a computer monitor for evaluation by 16 CT students and 3 cytotechnologists at 3 locations. During evaluation, participant’s eye movements […]
Examining Course Layouts in Blackboard: Using Eye-Tracking to Evaluate Usability in a Learning Management System
Abstract: This paper describes an exploratory usability study designed to investigate how college students locate information in a Learning Management System and to establish a set of guidelines for creating the best course layouts that can increase the student’s learning experience. Using observations, perception survey data, and a high-fidelity eye-tracker that recorded where participants’ eyes […]
Eye-Tracking Boston City Hall to Better Understand Human Perception and the Architectural Experience
Abstract: Learning how architecture impacts human perception can help us understand how civic monuments bring us together or drive us apart, create community cohesion and identity or the reverse: anomie, placelessness and the fragmentation of the public realm. Boston City Hall and Plaza, an urban renewal project from the 1960s, intended to revitalize a historic […]
Classification of Strategies for Solving Programming Problems using AoI Sequence Analysis
Abstract: This eye tracking study examines participants’ visual attention when solving algorithmic problems in the form of programming problems. The stimuli consisted of a problem statement, example output, and a set of multiple-choice questions regarding variables, data types, and operations needed to solve the programming problems. We recorded eye movements of students and performed an […]
Eye Tracking as a Method of Neuromarketing for Attention Research—An Empirical Analysis Using the Online Appointment Booking Platform from Mercedes-Benz
Abstract: A good user experience can only be achieved by knowing and understanding users’ wishes, needs and cognitive abilities. The aim of this study is to find out how the user of the online appointment booking interacts with the interface as well as the visualizations. The focus is on the question of whether the new […]
Human-virtual character interaction: Toward understanding the influence of haptic feedback
Abstract: In this study, we compare haptic feedback and nonhaptic feedback conditions in which virtual characters bump into the participant who is immersed in a virtual environment. A questionnaire was developed to determine the influence of haptic feedback on a number of concepts (presence, embodiment, positive and negative affect, interaction realism with virtual character, and […]
FaceSync: Open source framework for recording facial expressions with head-mounted cameras
Abstract: Advances in computer vision and machine learning algorithms have enabled researchers to extract facial expression data from face video recordings with greater ease and speed than standard manual coding methods, which has led to a dramatic increase in the pace of facial expression research. However, there are many limitations in recording facial expressions in laboratory […]
Basic Emotion Recogniton using Automatic Facial Expression Analysis Software
Abstract: Facial expression was proven to show a person’s emotions, including 6 basic human emotions, namely happy, sad, surprise, disgusted, angry, and fear. Currently, the recognition of basic emotions is applied using the automatic facial expression analysis software. In fact, not all emotions are performed with the same expressions. This study aims to analyze whether […]
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