Preliminary results of a parametric analysis of emotions in a learning process in science
In the last decades, several studies have highlighted the importance of emotions in the teaching and learning process. The classroom is considered as an emotional place, where the learning is influenced by cognitive and emotional-motivational mechanisms. Classically, emotions have been classified in seven basics categories. Furthermore, in educational settings, it is possible to evaluate other […]
Mobile News Learning — Investigating Political Knowledge Gains in a Social Media Newsfeed with Mobile Eye Tracking
This study investigates whether knowledge gains from news post exposure are different when scrolling through a social media news- feed on a smartphone compared to a desktop PC. While prior research has mostly focused on new platforms people receive news on (e.g., social media) for political learning, first indications exist that device modality (i.e. exposure […]
Memory for diverse faces in a racially attentive context
Two experiments assessed how racial ambiguity and racial salience moderates the cross-race effect (CRE). In experiment 1, White and Black participants studied and identified the race of Asian, Black, Latino, and White faces that varied in ethnic typicality (high or low ET). For White participants, the CRE was larger when comparing high-ET White faces to […]
Interpretation of a 12-Lead Electrocardiogram by Medical Students: Quantitative Eye-Tracking Approach
Accurate interpretation of a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) demands high levels of skill and expertise. Early training in medical school plays an important role in building the ECG interpretation skill. Thus, understanding how medical students perform the task of interpretation is important for improving this skill. We aimed to use eye tracking as a tool to research […]
Identifying and Describing Subtypes of Spontaneous Empathic Facial Expression Production in Autistic Adults
It is unclear whether atypical patterns of facial expression production metrics in autism reflect the dynamic and nuanced nature of facial expressions or a true diagnostic difference. Further, the heterogeneity observed across autism symptomatology suggests a need for more adaptive and personalized social skills programs. For example, it would be useful to have a better […]
The influence of experienced severe road traffic accidents on take-over reactions and non-driving-related tasks in an automated driving simulator study
Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are an ever-existing threat to all road users. Automated vehicles (AVs; SAE Level 3–5) are developed in many countries. They are promoted with numerous benefits such as increased safety yielding less RTAs, less congestion, less greenhouse gas emissions, and the possibility of enabling non-driving related tasks (NDRTs). However, there has been […]
Effects of sustained attention and video lecture types on learning performances
Video lectures are one of the primary learning resources embedded in e-learning environments. Many universities prepare video lectures and share them as open course materials with students. In order to make the learning process more efficient and effective, it is very important to design and personalize those learning resources for learners, taking into their needs […]
Measuring the Impact of Museum Architecture, Spaces and Exhibits on Virtual Visitors Using Facial Expression Analysis Software
Since the launch of online video portals in 2005, museums have encouraged visitors to upload and share their visits online. Although much has been written about visitors’ experiences in museums, very little exists on the impact virtual visits have on viewers. In this qualitative pilot study, a total of 2035 emotional reactions were recorded and analyzed after visiting […]
Sounds Healthy: Modelling sound-evoked consumer food choice through visual attention
Food choice is a multifaceted construct that is not solely guided by our internal incentives. In fact, sensory scientist, consumer psychologists, and marketers have demonstrated that external ambient cues, including background music, can influence myriads of subconscious consumer behaviors, effectively leading to increased sales of food and beverages. However, the vast majority of literature in […]
Sport and Cultural Events: Willingness to Pay, Facial Expressions and Skin Response
The topic of this particular study is to combine facial expressions, skin response and willingness to pay (WTP) using an iMotions Platform. This software solution combines biosensors in human behaviour research. A useful method to estimate WTP is contingent valuation method (CV) (Mitchell and Carson 1989). The method has been widely used in cultural economics […]
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