Eye-tracking technology, visual preference surveys, and urban design: preliminary evidence of an effective methodology
Abstract: Urban planners and designers use visual preference surveys to gather public opinion on potential designs for developments. Using eye-tracking technology, we administered a visual preference survey to a convenience sample to evaluate quantitatively the ways in which individuals process and rank images used in public settings for urban planning. We combined both a subjective […]
Planning for the Subconscious
Abstract: The world is entering a new era of cognitive science that allows us to understand human behavior better than ever before. In fact, the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development recently labelled the 21st century the “Age of Biology,” noting the growing impacts of the ongoing life-science revolution, which the group predicts will change economies, […]
Application of Hedonic Dynamics Using Multiple-Sip Temporal-Liking and Facial Expression for Evaluation of a New Beverage
Abstract: Drinking and eating are not a matter of a single sip or bite. Dynamic data gathered from multiple sip or bite, seem to be more reliable than simple sip/bite evaluation. However, methodologies and analyses based on multiple sips/bites have received little attention until recently. The present study tested an innovative approach to measure the […]
Does the presence of a mannequin head change shopping behavior?
Mannequins are ubiquitous; this research investigates a specific element of mannequin style, namely, the presence or absence of a humanized head. Study 1 demonstrates that in physical stores, the presence of a humanized head enhances purchase intentions for the merchandise displayed on that mannequin. However, in online stores, mannequin styles with and without humanized heads […]
Reducing Sketch Inhibition During Concept Generation: Psychophysiological Evidence of the Effect of Interventions
Abstract: This research investigated the effect of warm-up activities on cognitive states during concept generation. Psychophysiological tools including electroencephalography (EEG) and galvanic skin response (GSR) were used along with self-report measures (NASA TLX). Participants were divided into 3 test conditions: 1) no warm-up activity; 2) simple warm-up activities; 3) sketch-inhibition reducing activities. All participants did […]
Enhancing the Professional Vision of Teachers: A Physiological Study of Teaching Analytics Dashboards of Students’ Repertory Grid Exercises in Business Education
This paper reports on a study of the design, development and evaluation of two teaching analytics dashboards that visualize students’ repertory grid exercise data. The technical objective of the dashboards is to support teachers to investigate and compare personal constructs and element ratings by students for given topics of study at the individual student, group […]
Physiology-based recognition of Facial micro-expressions using EEG and identification of the relevant sensors by emotion
Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel work about predicting the facial expressions from physiological signals of the brain. The main contributions of this paper are twofold. a) Investigation of the predictability of facial micro-expressions from EEG. b) Identification of the relevant features to the prediction. To reach our objectives, an experiment was conducted […]
Enhancing the Professional Vision of Teachers: A Physiological Study of Teaching Analytics Dashboards of Students’ Repertory Grid Exercises in Business Education
Abstract: This paper reports on a study of the design, development and evaluation of two teaching analytics dashboards that visualize students’ repertory grid exercise data. The technical objective of the dashboards is to support teachers to investigate and compare personal constructs and element ratings by students for given topics of study at the individual student, […]
Differential emotion attribution to neutral faces of own and other races
Abstract: Past research has demonstrated differential recognition of emotion on faces of different races. This paper reports the first study to explore differential emotion attribution to neutral faces of different races. Chinese and Caucasian adults viewed a series of Chinese and Caucasian neutral faces and judged their outward facial expression: neutral, positive, or negative. The […]
Anticipatory Gaze Shifts during Navigation in a Naturalistic Virtual Environment
Abstract: In the real world, coupled eye and head movements are used by humans and other animals to orient their gaze toward objects or scenes of interest. In virtual environments a mouse is often used as a proxy for head movements, orienting the camera towards a desired view direction. The mouse also controls body direction […]
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