Mitigating passive fatigue during monotonous drives with thermal stimuli: Insights into the effect of different stimulation durations
Abstract: Driving on monotonous roads has been shown to cause passive fatigue as even non-sleep-deprived drivers suffer from the lack of stimuli. Consequently, alertness is reduced and the risk of accidents increases. To counteract this risk, measures need to be taken to mitigate driver fatigue. While in the past, some studies have been focused on […]
Basic Emotion Recogniton using Automatic Facial Expression Analysis Software
Abstract: Facial expression was proven to show a person’s emotions, including 6 basic human emotions, namely happy, sad, surprise, disgusted, angry, and fear. Currently, the recognition of basic emotions is applied using the automatic facial expression analysis software. In fact, not all emotions are performed with the same expressions. This study aims to analyze whether […]
Investigating the Relationship Between Mental State (Workload and Affect) and Physiology in a Control Room Setting (Ship Bridge Simulator)
Abstract: This paper discusses how to investigate the human element in a control room setting in terms of situational settings (monitoring and active control) and mental state (workload and affect). We show an explorative experiment in a ship bridge simulator context to investigate measurement practices and uncover correlations between mental state and changes in physiology. […]
An Approach to Analyze User’s Emotion in HCI Experiments Using Psychophysiological Measures
Abstract: Emotional experiences have aroused HCI researchers’ interest once these types of experience involve many parts of our body, such as muscles, body postures, and psychophysiological measures. Hedonic experiences give us pleasure and good emotions, and this paper focuses on it. Some psychophysiological measures have already been correlated with both valence and arousal, the main […]
Adding immersive virtual reality to a science lab simulation causes more presence but less learning
Abstract: Virtual reality (VR) is predicted to create a paradigm shift in education and training, but there is little empirical evidence of its educational value. The main objectives of this study were to determine the consequences of adding immersive VR to virtual learning simulations, and to investigate whether the principles of multimedia learning generalize to […]
Improving Driver Emotions with Affective Strategies
Abstract: Drivers in negative emotional states, such as anger or sadness, are prone to perform bad at driving, decreasing overall road safety for all road users. Recent advances in affective computing, however, allow for the detection of such states and give us tools to tackle the connected problems within automotive user interfaces. We see potential […]
Measuring Learning During Search: Differences in Interactions, Eye-Gaze, and Semantic Similarity to Expert Knowledge
Abstract: We investigate the relationship between search behavior, eye – tracking measures, and learning. We conducted a user study where 30 participants performed searches on the web. We measured their verbal knowledge before and after each task in a content-independent manner, by assessing the semantic similarity of their entries to expert vocabulary. We hypothesize that […]
Measuring presence in video games: An investigation of the potential use of physiological measures as indicators of presence
Abstract: Presence has become an increasingly central component of Games User Research (GUR) as developments in technology continuously make modern video games more conducive to the sensation of ‘being there’ in virtual environments. The quality of games is now commonly evaluated based on how reliably they elicit presence; however, no standardized objective measure of presence […]
How does navigation system behavior influence human behavior?
Abstract: Navigation systems are ubiquitous tools to assist wayfinders of the mobile information society with various navigational tasks. Whenever such systems assist with self-localization and path planning, they reduce human effort for navigating. Automated navigation assistance benefits navigation performance, but research seems to show that it negatively affects attention to environment properties, spatial knowledge acquisition, […]
Using computer-vision and machine learning to automate facial coding of positive and negative affect intensity
Abstract: Facial expressions are fundamental to interpersonal communication, including social interaction, and allow people of different ages, cultures, and languages to quickly and reliably convey emotional information. Historically, facial expression research has followed from discrete emotion theories, which posit a limited number of distinct affective states that are represented with specific patterns of facial action. […]
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