Influences of sensory attribute intensity, emotional responses, and non-sensory factors on purchase intent toward mixed-vegetable juice products under informed tasting condition
Abstract: Product-related sensory and non-sensory cues have been studied in the past to understand purchase behavior among consumers. However, there has been little research related to integrating emotional responses with such cues to achieve better prediction of consumer purchase behavior. This study aimed to determine the impacts of sensory attribute intensities (SAI), non-sensory factors (NSF), […]
Neurophysiological Effects of Presence in Calm Virtual Environments
Presence, the feeling of being there, is an important factor that affects the overall experience of virtual reality. Presence is measured through post-experience subjective questionnaires. While questionnaires are a widely used method in human-based research, they suffer from participant biases, dishonest answers, and fatigue. In this paper, we measured the effects of different levels of […]
Does visual framing drive eye gaze behavior? The effects of visual framing of athletes in an increasingly visual social media world
Previous research on the effects of visual framing of athletes has inferred that photographic visual frames drive visual behavior by demonstrating that visual frames influence picture viewers’ evaluative ratings and memory for the pictures. This study uses eye-tracking methodology to ask if these previous findings are actually the result of visual frames driving eye gaze/visual […]
Between text and platforms: A case study on the real-time emotions and psychophysiological indicators of video gaming and academic engagement
Abstract: Literature indicates that both academic tasks (Deater-Deckard et al. 2013; Skinner et al. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69(3): 493–525, 2009) and video gaming (Irwin The Journal of Psychology, 133, 157–164, 1999; Laffan et al. Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 544–549, 2016; Whitton Simulation & Gaming, 42(5), 596–609, 2011) have qualities that engage and captivate […]
Storytelling, the scale of persuasion and retention: A neuromarketing approach
Persuasive storytelling is an essential tool for propagandists, publicists, and corporations. In this research, storytelling styles have been examined for their effectiveness in terms of attitude change and retention. Two groups of respondents were asked to read two short, fictional texts about a chosen corporation’s positive action toward the environment. One story was written using […]
Multimodal Validation of Facial Expression Detection Software for Real-time Monitoring of Affect in Patients with Suicidal Intent
Abstract: Facial expression is an independent and objective marker of affect. Basic emotions (fear, sadness, joy, anger, disgust and surprise) have been shown to be universal across human cultures. Techniques such as the Facial Action Coding System can capture emotion with good reliability. Such techniques visually process the changes in different assemblies of facial muscles that produce […]
Impairments in face discrimination and emotion recognition are related to aging and cognitive dysfunctions in Parkinson’s disease with dementia
Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) suffer from motor and non-motor symptoms; 40% would develop dementia (PD-D). Impaired face and emotion processing in PD has been reported; however, the deficits of face processing in PD-D remain unclear. We investigated three essential aspects of face processing capacity in PD-D, and the associations between cognitive, neuropsychiatric assessments and […]
Towards a conceptual framework for analysing impression management during face-to-face communication
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to generate a framework for investigating direct face-to-face interactions during corporate results presentations from senior executives. This is important because face-to-face communications represent opportunities for impression management owing to cognitive biases and constraints arising from the interplay of non-verbal and verbal cues. Our Behavioural Impression Management Framework combines […]
Arousing the audience: The two-peak structure of drama film trailers
Film trailers are considered the most important marketing tool for a feature film; however, they have rarely been discussed in audience research. This article examines audiences’ emotional responses to film trailer content based on an exploratory study using skin conductance to measure emotional arousal as well as self-reports on recall, evaluation and the desire to […]
A Comparison of the Affectiva iMotions Facial Expression Analysis Software With EMG for Identifying Facial Expressions of Emotion
Human faces express emotions, informing others about their affective states. In order to measure expressions of emotion, facial Electromyography (EMG) has widely been used, requiring electrodes and technical equipment. More recently, emotion recognition software has been developed that detects emotions from video recordings of human faces. However, its validity and comparability to EMG measures is […]
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