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  • Tracing emotional responses to nature-based tourism commercials and tagging individual sequences

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed27/02/2024Modul University Vienna + 2

    Most tourism campaigns rely heavily on emotional appeals. Therefore, it is crucial to understand which video sequences elicit certain emotions to determine whether they are consistent with the targeted marketing objectives. In this study, we employ facial expression analysis to trace the emotional responses of participants watching a tourism destination commercial. Since previous studies did […]

  • More Than One Way: Fifth-Graders’ Varied Digital Reading Behaviors and Comprehension Outcomes

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed12/02/2024Vanderbilt University

    Digital reading is ubiquitous, yet understanding digital reading processes and links to comprehension remains underdeveloped. Guided by new literacies and active reading theories, this study explored the reading behaviors and comprehension of thirteen fifth graders who read static digital texts. We coded for the quantity and quality of digital reading behaviors and employed action path […]

  • UX assessment strategy to identify potential stressful conditions for workers

    GatedPeer-Reviewed05/02/2024University of Modena and Reggio Emilia + 2

    The European Commission defined the new concept of Industry 5.0 meaning a more human-centric, resilient, and sustainable approach for the design of industrial systems and operations. A deep understanding of the work environment and organization is important to start analysing the working conditions and the resulting User eXperience (UX) of the operators. Also, the knowledge […]

  • Evaluation of Cyclist Galvanic Skin Response and Visual Attention in Commercial Vehicle Loading Zones

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed01/02/2024Oregon State University

    With growing freight operations throughout the world, there is a push for transportation systems to accommodate trucks during loading and unloading operations. Currently, many urban locations do not provide loading and unloading zones, which results in trucks parking in places that obstruct bicyclist’s roadway infrastructure (e.g., bicycle lanes). To understand the implications of these truck […]

  • A Comparative Study of Real and Virtual Environment via Psychological and Physiological Responses

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed27/12/2023Universitat Politècnica de València + 2

    Currently, immersive virtual environments (IVE) are widely used in fields such as architecture and environmental psychology. These simulated environments allow for a detailed evaluation of how different designs impact users’ perception and interaction with the built environment, under controlled conditions and without incurring high costs. The validity of these IVEs is related to their capacity […]

  • Evaluation of bicyclist physiological response and visual attention in commercial vehicle loading zones

    GatedPeer-Reviewed16/12/2023Oregon State University + 4

    Introduction With growing freight operations throughout the world, there is a push for transportation systems to accommodate trucks during loading and unloading operations. Currently, many urban locations do not provide loading and unloading zones, which results in trucks parking in places that obstruct bicyclist’s roadway infrastructure (e.g., bicycle lanes). Method To understand the implications of […]

  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Dentists’ Gaze during Caries Detection: A Randomized Controlled Trial

    GatedPeer-Reviewed26/11/2023Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin + 3

    Objectives We aimed to understand how artificial intelligence (AI) influences dentists by comparing their gaze behavior when using versus not using an AI software to detect primary proximal carious lesions on bitewing radiographs. Methods 22 dentists assessed a median of 18 bitewing images resulting in 170 datasets from dentists without AI and 179 datasets from […]

  • Elements of Style in Floral Arrangements: How Discerning Are Consumers Toward Floristry Design Principles and How Much Are They Willing to Pay?

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed20/11/2023North Carolina State University + 2

    Florists use design theory to create arrangements that they assume will be pleasing to consumers, thus increasing purchase rates and spending. However, certain elements of design theory and their relationship with consumer acceptance and spending have not been empirically tested. Using mixed logit models and eye-tracking technology, we investigated whether consumer preferences support three key […]

  • The Effectiveness of Online Cause-Related Marketing Message Framing on Hotel Brand Evaluation

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed10/11/2023University of Surrey

    Abstract:  The purpose of this study is to examine the interaction effect between online Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) advertisements and brand reputation on consumers’ brand evaluation in the hotel industry. Two experimental studies were conducted: (1) a survey-based experiment that demonstrates the moderating role of brand reputation, and (2) a laboratory experiment using psychophysiological measurements of emotional […]

  • A Neurophysiological Approach for Measuring Presence in Immersive Virtual Environments

    GatedPeer-Reviewed09/11/2023University of Queensland

    Presence, the feeling of being there, is an important factor that affects the overall experience of Virtual Reality (VR). Higher presence commonly provides a better experience in VR than lower presence. However, presence is commonly measured subjectively through postexperience questionnaires, which can suffer from participant biases, dishonest answers, and fatigue. It can also be difficult […]

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