Automatic Detection of Learning-Centered Affective States in the Wild
Abstract: Affect detection is a key component in developing intelligent educational interfaces that are capable of responding to the affective needs of students. In this paper, computer vision and machine learning techniques were used to detect students’ affect as they used an educational game designed to teach fundamental principles of Newtonian physics. Data were collected […]
The use of eye tracking in research on video-based second language (L2) listening assessment: A comparison of context videos and content videos
Abstract: Investigating how visuals affect test takers’ performance on video-based L2 listening tests has been the focus of many recent studies. While most existing research has been based on test scores and self-reported verbal data, few studies have examined test takers’ viewing behavior (Ockey, 2007; Wagner, 2007, 2010a). To address this gap, in the present […]
Effect of cognitive load in autonomous vehicles on driver performance during transfer of control
Present study on cognitive workload in driving focuses on reduction of workload for better driving performance. In this paper, we talk about the cognitive load in drivers of autonomous cars and their performance under multiple cognitive loads. Our previous studies have indicated that low to no workload is likely to induce drowsiness in drivers of […]
Establishing wiki design principles to advance wiki-based learning: an eye tracking study
Abstract: A review of research studies on the integration of wiki into curriculum indicates the necessity of establishing wiki design principles in order to capitalize on the learning opportunity wiki technology offers. Utilising eye tracking technology, this study explores wiki design principles by examining students’ reading patterns when they study a learning topic presented in […]
Understanding the influence from web-shop design on consumers visual attention and product evaluation
Abstract: Buying behaviour theory goes back to the start of the 50’s and over the years different models have been developed influenced by different sociological views and trends. In the age of digitalization and e-commerce these theories seem to be less useful and need revision. In the early days of the Web, research argues for […]
Understanding Students Process for Solving Engineering Problems Using Eye Gaze Data
Abstract: It is well known that engineering is considered one of the more demanding fields of study to embark on. In mechanical engineering, courses such as thermodynamics, statics, mechanics of materials and others are perceived as challenging by students. Several factors impact students’ ability to solve problems presented in these courses, including the ability to […]
Eye Tracking Data Predict Importance of Product Features and Saliency of Size Change
ABSTRACT: Features, or visible product attributes, are indispensable product components that influence customer evaluations of functionality, usability, symbolic impressions, and other qualities. Two basic components of features are visual appearance and size. This work tests whether or not eye-tracking data can (1) predict the relative importances between features, with respect to their visual design, in […]
Understanding online reading through the eyes of first and second language readers: An exploratory study
Abstract Utilizing eye-tracking technology and focusing on the “rapid”, “purposeful” and “comprehending” attributes of fluent reading, this study investigated first language (L1) and second language (L2) readers’ online reading patterns and comprehension. Eye movement data from nine L1 readers and nine L2 readers were collected, analyzed and compared. Post-experiment interviews were conducted to obtain demographic […]
Exploring the influence of audio in directing visual attention during dynamic content
Abstract: The mechanisms underlying the allocation of visual attention toward dynamic content are still largely unexplored. Due to the number of variables present during dynamic content, it is often difficult to confidently determine what components direct visual attention. In this study, we manipulated the presence of audio in an attempt to explore the contribution of […]
Mind Reading Using an Eye Tracker to See How People Are Looking at Lineups
Abstract: Graphical statistics plays a very important job in research and industry. As a statistician, it is very useful that if one can see how people make their decision based on the plots, so that plots can be improved for better performance. With the help of eye-tracking equipment, researchers could show people several plots and […]
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